About Me
Hello, and welcome to my online store.
So a bit about me so you know who you are buying from.
My name is Kelly-Marie I am a mum of 3 children, and live in a small village in Kent.
I have always been a crafty person from a very young age.
A few years back I was just into making cards, I loved designing all different unique cards, I was even a designer for Hunkydory where my cards were showcased on the create and craft shopping channel.
Sadly in 2016 my Grandad passed away, but he told me that I needed to pass my driving test as it would open up so many more doors for me.
But the only way I could pass my driving test and to get myself a car was to sell everything I owned it was a tough decision and I hated to do it but I needed to do it for myself and my children.
Fast forward a few years, I now have my driving licence ( my Grandad was right it did open more doors for me) but I also have back the best thing, my little business.
I decided though making cards just wasn't enough for me no more and I needed to expand in what I sell, so I invested in lots of new equipment so that I could do a whole range of stuff, as you will see in my online store and in 2025 I have big plans to bring you even more stuff, I cannot wait to get started.
Along side of my business I also have a main job of working in a care home as a lifestyle assistant, I love this job, yes there are days that are really tough especially when a resident passes, but it's the joy I help bring to their lives while they are with us, and that's why I love my job because when you see them smile at you, you know that your doing your best.
Here is just a little about me just so you can get to know me.
All the best
Kelly x